Monday 26 September 2011

Analysis of Horror Film Posters

Psycho Case Study

Representation of Norman Bates.

When we are first introduced to Norman Bates he comes across as a helpful, caring person towards Marion which makes him unsuspecting of being the villain. He shows an almost unhealthy relationship with his mother which maybe the reason for his boyish timid behaviour. In this scene between Norman and Marion the lighting is suggestive of the characters roles. Normans face is half in the light which suggests he has 2 personalities, the one of his mother Norma Bates and himself Norman Bates whereas Marion if fully in the light showing she is honest and the victim.

Here we see Norman from below, making him seem powerful and dominant. We also can see the stuffed bird overlooking him, maybe foreshadowing what is going to happen later in the film. He shows a great interest in stuffing birds which suggests that he isn't 'normal' and constantly refers to them in his conversation with Marion. Again like the other still from the film Normans face is half light and half in shadow maybe connoting his spilt  personality, the friendly timid one that Marion see's and the psychotic killer.