Monday 25 July 2011

Horror Questionnare

Here is the questionnaire that I issued to the public to find out what they would like to see from a new horror film + its products.

What gender are you?
Male             Female

How old are you?

15 – 18        19 – 25         26 – 30            31+

How often do you watch horror films? (Please Circle)

Daily               Weekly               Monthly               Yearly                Never

 What is your favourite sub genre of horror films? (Please circle 1 or more)

Slasher            Crime            Thriller           Japanese Horror          Comedy Horror    

Psychological Horror            Supernatural              Apocalyptic                    Gore      

 Please give a reason(s).

 What do you look for in Horror Films? (E.g.: Vampires, Zombies, Gore)

 What is your favourite horror film?

 Please give a reason(s).

What is your least favourite film?

 Please give a reason(s)?

Where do you watch horror films?

Cinema             DVD      Online        TV       Other (please state)__________________

 Do you regularly go on horror film’s websites?

Yes                     No         (please state why/why not)_________________________

 What features do you like on websites? (E.g. free downloads, games)

 Are you influenced by posters advertising horror films?

 What is the last horror film website you visited?

 Please give a reason(s)?

 Would you like to be able to view the trailer on the website?
Yes            No

 Do you think the poster and website should have the same colour scheme?
Yes           No

Do you think the main image on a horror film poster should also be the main image on the website?
Yes          No

 How long do you think the horror film trailer should run for?
30secs – 1min         1min – 2mins        2mins – 3mins       3mins+

Thank you for your time

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